Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Mandala means circle in  Sanskrit.  The Hindus and Buddhists used them as a spiritual and ritual representation of the universe.  These fascinating designs were not only created by the ancient Buddhists and Hindus- they have been made through out art history and across many civilizations. Artist to this very day continue to make mandalas- and so are out 6th grade students.  


Hello all, and welcome to The Nock Gallery.
Students at the Nock are making wonderful, cool, and exciting things in Art Class this year, and we are starting this blog to share them with you.  Our goal is to share at least one entry each week from the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.  We work on both long projects, and on short, one day projects called "Art Challenges". These kids are creative, enthusiastic and talented, and we are so excited to share their work with you.

Japanese Inspired Notan Designs

In these Japanese inspired designs students are asked to positive and a negative space. Here are some works in progress.